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Australia Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

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Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (TSS Visa) Subclass 482

The fastest and legal way to get Australia PR Visa

Australia TSS Visa

From March 2018, the Australian Government introduced a new work visa in replacement of the 457 visa – the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa.

TSS 482 visa is the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa which enables the Australian employer to bring the workers from overseas when they are not being able to fulfill the required vacancy through Australian skilled worker.

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Australia Temporary Skill Shortage Visa

Basically, the aim of TSS 482 Visa is to fulfill the labor shortage in Australia. Visa subclass 482 allows you to work under three main streams:

Get to Know the Streams of Sponsorship

For the Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 visa you are sponsored to work in a nominated occupation under the following three streams:

Short-Term Stream: Where your employer desires to source you as an overseas skilled worker and sponsor you for the occupation that comes under the Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) on a temporary basis, he/she can do so under the Short-Term stream and fill the position for the maximum period of 2 or 4 years. The four-year period applies where an employer under an International Trade Obligation (ITO) is eligible to nominate you if:

  • The cost of this visa is AUD1150
  • The visa under this stream can be renewed only once while you are in Australia

Medium-Term Stream: If the employer desires to source and sponsor you as the overseas skilled worker, he/she can do so under the medium-term stream for a period of 4 years for the jobs listed on the MLTSSL (Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List) or Regional Occupation List (ROL).

Labour Agreement Stream: Where the employer enters into a labour agreement for the purpose of sponsoring you as an overseas skilled worker, he/she may do so under this stream.

General Eligibility Criteria for TSS Visa – All Streams

Short-term stream: You might be able to get a visa under this stream if, in addition to the above general requirements, you:

  • have worked in your nominated occupation, or a related field, for at least two years.
  • Are a genuine applicant for entry and stay as a short term visa holder (known as a ‘Genuine Temporary Entrant’ (GTE))
  • AWill be working directly for your sponsor or for an associated entity of your sponsor, unless the nominated occupation is exempt from this requirement.

Medium-term stream: You might be able to get a visa under this stream if, in addition to the above general requirements, you:

  • Have worked in your nominated occupation, or a related field, for at least two years.
  • Will be working directly for your sponsor or for an associated entity of your sponsor, unless the nominated occupation is exempt from this requirement.

Labour agreement Stream: You might be able to get a visa under this stream if, in addition to the above general requirements, you:

  • Are nominated in an occupation included in a labour agreement which your employer has entered into with the Department.
  • Have worked in your nominated occupation, or a related field, for at least two years (unless this is not required under the labour agreement).
Processing Time for Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 Visa

The processing time for the Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 Visa is based on the number of applications received for the 457 visas prior to the implementation of the TSS visa and the transitional arrangements undertaken for 457 nomination and visa holder. However, the department is trying for the reduced processing time by initiating streamlined processing arrangements for the new TSS visa framework.

australia subclass 482 granted
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